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Preparing for access and reentry after a disaster is addressed at the IAEM 2019 Conference

On December 13, BNET Executive Director Peter Picarillo will present at the 2019 International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) Region 1 Conference at the University of Connecticut. The panel will discuss “Preparing for Access & Re-Entry after a Disaster” and the importance of postdisaster reentry. The discussion will focus on the need, benefits, and tools available to implement an interoperable approach to emergency access and reentry management.

Reentry credentialing for essential employees is often overlooked in crisis management planning.

BNET (Business Network of Emergency Resources) is a not-for-profit corporation that provides disaster access and reentry services through its Corporate Emergency Access System (CEAS), currently operating in the states of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and several northeastern cities, including New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo, and Stamford.

CEAS was developed to help governments and businesses create an organized process of postdisaster reentry and to speed the recovery of affected communities. The system provides for the distribution of CEAS access credentials to businesses on a preenrollment basis. Following an event, the CEAS card offers positive identification to law enforcement, ensuring that the holder is an essential employee.

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