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The Business Network of Emergency Resources, also called "BNET," results from a Federal, State, and private sector study conducted in New York State during 1996-1998 known as the Joint Loss Reduction Partnership (JLRP). The study intended to determine businesses' critical needs and privately owned critical infrastructure industries immediately after and following a major disaster. BNET, a NYS non-profit organization, formed to follow through on the study's findings and recommendations.

As a result of the JLRP's findings, BNET developed and still manages today the Corporate Emergency Access System (CEAS) to help municipalities manage private sector access to restricted areas during and following an emergency event. The CEAS program uses a common credential to identify essential employees of critical businesses.


BNET is a 501-C nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve community resiliency through the sustainability of businesses following a disaster. To this end, BNET partners with governments, public agencies, and private sector organizations to aid in disaster response and recovery.  BNET’s essential employee credentialing program helps communities and businesses overcome obstacles to recovery and ensures the delivery of vital goods and services to impacted communities.

Learn more about BNET, go to
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