CEAS Coordinator and Credential User Information
Program Tips for CEAS Coordinators
This information is a helpful reminder to company coordinators regarding the intended functioning of the CEAS program.
- CEAS IS A VOLUNTARY PROGRAM and is not intended to place users in harm's way. Your company credential-holders should only travel when they can do so with reasonable safety and ONLY as directed by appropriate company authority for business emergency purposes.
- Please verify the validity of your emergency contact information in the CEAS online system. Inaccurate or outdated information may result in your not receiving vital information and notifications from BNET.
BNET will provide direct notifications to CEAS Coordinators and Emergency Contacts if informed by government officials that credentials should be carried.
- CEAS credentials are intended to identify your company's “essential employees” and expedite access and/or facilitate travel in response to an emergency event. If restrictions are in effect that permit travel or access of essential employees, your credential-holding employees should be notified to carry their credentials at all times. BNET does NOT notify your individual credential-holders. As a coordinator, it is your responsibility to notify individual credential-holders within your organization of the need or potential need to use their credentials.
- Coordinators should advise credential-holders NOT to self-deploy but await instructions unless their immediate response has been pre-planned.
- Misuse of a CEAS card can result in that card being confiscated by authorities and suspension of your company's use privileges.
- Advise credential-holders to carry a second form of identification with them at all times while using their CEAS credential.
- Public Safety personnel ALWAYS have the final word regarding the authority to travel or access restricted areas. Company credential-holders are to obey the instructions of all public safety personnel.
Coordinators should share the tips below with all CEAS credential-holders in your company.
Program Tips for CEAS Credential Users
- CEAS IS A VOLUNTARY PROGRAM and is not intended to place you in harm's way. You should only travel when you can do so with reasonable safety and ONLY as directed by the appropriate company authority for business emergency purposes.
- Your CEAS credential is solely intended to identify you as an “essential employee” performing essential work for your company.
- To use your credential, you MUST be traveling to or entering a restricted area where you have a work facility.
- You should NEVER self-deploy unless pre-planned to do so or instructed to by company authority.
- Always carry a second form of identification and form of company ID
- Have your CEAS credential with you at all times when travel or access restrictions are in effect. You should present your CEAS credentials to law enforcement authorities upon request while traveling or entering a restricted area. You should state your purpose as an “essential employee” and the destination or location of the company facility you are traveling to.
- Misuse of a CEAS card can result in the card being confiscated by authorities or your company's privileges being suspended.
- Public Safety personnel ALWAYS have the final authority to grant or deny you permission to travel or access a restricted area. Credential-holders must obey the lawful orders of public safety personnel regardless of the travel or area access restrictions currently in place.